Taller Guaguarey sends heartfelt wishes of love and solidarity knowing that many lives have been disrupted by the global pandemic. Without your generous donation, we would not have been able to offer our classes online through Zoom. Because of you, Taller Guaguarey is a viable teaching alternative in the time of Covid-19. Thank you for your support that allows the students to continue discovering and exploring the art of pottery. Through Zoom they are expanding their knowledge and experiencing the joy of sharing the creative process virtually.

We are committed to continuing Zoom classes until we can get back to the classroom. Taller Guaguarey provides the students with the clay and tools they need to work clay at home. I have been challenged as a teacher, especially because a large part of ceramics is a hands-on learning experience. Not being able to hold and guide the hands of my students has not been easy. What pushes us through this dilemma is knowing that we’re all in this together. Pushing the boundaries and learning to adapt fast to our changing reality has its limitations. For example, not all of my students are tech savvy and some do not have laptops or internet service. Unfortunately, social distancing prevents inviting students over to participate during Zoom classes.

We thought that we were going to miss the energy that flows as a result of being next to each other in a classroom. Surprisingly, we have managed to figure out how to move that energy into the Zoom classes. During the week, students work independently on their projects and send me photos for feedback. During our Zoom class, students get the opportunity to explain their work and receive feedback. When it is their turn, they share their hard work with their fellow potters. Just like in life, pottery making teaches us that we need to adapt to grow and most importantly to create.

Here are photos documenting the spirit and tenacity of my students during Covid-19. Keep in mind that these beautiful pottery pieces were made in their respective homes. Next semester, students will be allowed to drop off their pieces at the school where I have been authorized to fire them in the ceramic kilns. Enjoy!

Starting from the left: María Enid Rodríguez, María de los Ángeles Fonseca, Lucy Rodríguez


Click here to see more student work done during the Fall online Zoom classes.